Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Solids, liquids and gases

We are about to look into solids, liquids and gases as part of our 'Magic of Science' topic. Click on this link to read up a little more about this subject!

Home learning support....

Click here to go to the BBC primary history site. This will help you find out about life as a Victorian....

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

French - Counting to 100!

Click here to practise your numbers from 1 - 100 in french! 

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Separating Materials!

As our topic is 'The Magic of Science' we are going to look at separating materials. We are going to think about and investigate how to separate certain substances from water.

Friday, 3 January 2014


For or Against

Is graffiti good or bad?


Welcome Back

I hope you have all had a relaxing holiday and a fantastic Christmas! The Spring Term is here so let's make it the best yet!

What's Happening this Term?


In numeracy this term we are going to look at finding fractions and percentages of amounts! We have already looked at this briefly but now is the chance to look in more detail and answer more challenging sums!


In literacy we are going to look at argument writing - we will begin  by writing one-sided arguments and then move onto balanced arguments. We will look at the topics 'graffiti' and 'deforestation' to inspire our writing. 


Our new topic is going to be 'The Magic of Science'. We will look at how to write up and perform fair tests. We will use terms such as - dependent and independent variables to help us make the test controlled and fair.