Thursday, 6 February 2014

Our Charity...

Year 6 are sending the money we make for Enterprise Week to Oxfam!

Click here to go to their website to find out more...

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The Making Stage!

Year 6 have been incredibly busy making their photo frames today! They followed their plans to perfection and the results have been fantastic! Well done year 6... now let's get selling!

Saturday, 1 February 2014


Click here to read about Fairtrade. As we have been completing argument writing and scripts in literacy, we are going to plan a radio report about why we should be support fairtrade.

Our Product...


For enterprise week are going to be making photo frames! We will design our very own photo frames, choosing size and making sure it is 'aesthetically pleasing'. 

As our theme is recycling this year, we will be using all materials we already have! Have a look around your home for things you could use to decorate photo frames with. 

A list of ideas...
Coloured paper and card 

Enterprise Week!

To kick start enterprise week, we are going to look into Fairtrade. We will think about what it means, why it is important, and what we can do to help.  We will also complete several activities looking into the process of making chocolate....

From the bean to the bar...